As Don Richarson bravely stepped into the Sawi culture to accomplish what God had wanted him to do for the tribe, he was able to interact and fill the needs of the people. But most important of all, Don was able to show God's love through his own compassion and true love for them. Because he knew that God loved the Sawi people, he also loved them and shared the gospel through ademptive analogy.
There are cultures that cannot be accepted in a Christian perspective, but God still wants us to love the differentiating culture and the people unconditionally as He loved us. Jesus tells us to "love your neighbor as yourself"-neighbors which are the diverse cultures that live among us in this world.
Because Jesus Christ wanted each culture turning back to Him, he had died and paid for all sins of men in this world. So He wants us to share the gospel through love and our own faith. To tell other cultures about God, we should be Christ-like and be an example to them; "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect," (1 Peter 3:15)
I agree with your opinion about God wanting us to spread Christianity, but in a respectful way. Your verse goes well with the topic of apologetics. If one was confronted with another culture or religion while spreading the word of God, one should defend Christianity and their faith but in a very respectful and careful way.
Hey Joan, I agree with your personal opinion about God's love towards everyone. Yeah, even though the Sawi tribes may not be accepted in Christian perspective, God still loves them and wants to lead them to the "right" way, Christianity. That's why Don Richardson was able to enter to the Sawi world and taught them about God's love and purposes.
hey joanie-squid :]
You are right. God still wants us to love the differentiating culture and the people who we have hard time understanding or accepting. there were times when i judged others but only God can judge others and what I am suppose to do is to love everyone like myself. It's hard but for God we should. Let's love everyone and give them many kisses. xxx
Lucy you are so cute! Mrs.Mc.
Hey Joan~
I think I really like what you think about this concept. God does want each and every culture to turn to him and love him most. I know that God is fair and he is merciful to each and every one of us. I relate to this because of the environment we are all currently studying in. We all go to an international school and we all come from different backgrounds. Whether we are Asian or Caucasian doesn't matter, what matters is that we accept Jesus Christ as our savior. It is our mission to help the people who do not have a chance to accept Christ. Everyone should be able to know Gods love!!
I sometimes imagine one day when we all go to heaven, we would meet so many people, ones that come from diverse cultures and rejoice in our Gods love. Isn't that the ultimate dream of many Christians? =)
I really thank God for giving me so many great classmates to share thoughts about faith :)
Anyways, I enjoyed your blog!! ♥
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