Choose a representative passage from this novel that holds particular significence to you. Type it in and comment on its significance.
"Tuan, you've been urging us to make peace- don't you know it's impossible to have peace without a peace child?"
I must have seemed very ignorant as I shook my head.
Ari was astounded. "Do you mean," he queried, "that you Tuans are able to make peace without...?"
He pasued a moment in deep thought, and then suddenly his face brightened with insight. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "I understand now. You Tuans never war with each other, so of course you don't need a peace child."
When Ari said that, a tiny bell started tinkling somewhere deep inside me. But it was very indistinct. I hardly paid any attention to it.
I was still reeling mentaly under the shock of what I had witnessed.
I must have seemed very ignorant as I shook my head.
Ari was astounded. "Do you mean," he queried, "that you Tuans are able to make peace without...?"
He pasued a moment in deep thought, and then suddenly his face brightened with insight. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "I understand now. You Tuans never war with each other, so of course you don't need a peace child."
When Ari said that, a tiny bell started tinkling somewhere deep inside me. But it was very indistinct. I hardly paid any attention to it.
I was still reeling mentaly under the shock of what I had witnessed.
First of all, as soons as I read this passage, I was suprised to know that exchanging of peace child was somewhat similar to our Christian culture. The peace child was the only part of the culture that was similar to my culture. I was facinated how God had given the bridge for Don Richardson to approach Christianity to those savagery people.
I realized that I hadn't really thought of having peace only through peace child because I have never questioned peace in my comfort zone. I was ignorant of some people in this world who risked their sacrifice for peace and how prvileaged I am. I am thankful that God had shown me peace in a easy way unlike how the Sawi made peace.
I believe there is a deeper meaning to this quote. The reason Tuans never war with each other is not the reason Tuans lack the practice of exchanging Peace child. It is because our Peace child is eternal; still breathing inside us. Christ has come into our lives to grant peace among us. In this passage, we can not only be shocked by this horrifying Sawi culture, but also be grateful for our Peace child: Jesus Christ.
Yes Philip has a really profound point. I am pleased to see you are exchanging ideas and connecting with each other. Mrs.Mc.
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