Is our modern culture different from the Sawi tenants? The answer to this question may be evident in terms of modernization, customs and culture. Our culture and the environment we live in may seem much more advanced and necessary in order for survival. A disease may be easily cured in our civilization with medical care but it may be a threat to their lives. However, can the sinful nature existing in both our modern culture and the Sawi tenants be healed by a special remedy? Two different cultures are in need of hope and the Light of this world- Jesus.
Even though the two cultures may be different in cosmetic ways, but our human characteristics that are deep inside are any different. As the Sawi practiced cannibalism and killing of each other, don't we murder our own people or even kill ourselves in committing suicides? Even though their actions of praised treachery upset our culture, we hold the same kind of thoughts; its just that most of us do not attempt to carry them in actions. Cannibalism and murder, savagery and hurtful sayings, treachery and revenge, and polygamy and prostitution are equally sinful in God's sight. Sawi had been longing for the 'Peace Child' to heal them as much as our modern culture did and therefore, it doesn't leave a huge gap between the Sawi and us.
Hey Joan!
I agree with you that there isn’t much difference between our culture and the Sawi. I also liked the point that you made about both cultures are desperately in need of Jesus Christ in their lives! Keep it up with your bloggg! I’ll come back =]!
Joan, this post allowed me to think deeply. I think it is true that there isn't a tremendous gap between the Sawi culture and our modern culture. It's just in different forms. No matter how we try to portray hatred, revenge, and treachery, it's all the same in God's eyes. I LOVE YOUR BLOG~ BROWN :) NEMO
Joan, that is so right! :P
I had to get surprised as I was reading the novel, thinking, "Wow, their culture is such a different culture than ours. They are barbaric!" However, after I have been thinking more into ourselves and reflected our lives, there surely aren't any big differences between Sawi and us that we both kill other people; Sawi may hurt others in a physical way, but we do kill others spiritually sometimes. We may be worse in fact, since hurting someone spiritually is worst than giving them a physical bruse or cut. Sawi and we both have sinful nature, and we cannot deny the fact that we need a savior to save us from our sins.
ps. ahhhh I love ur blog skin!!
muah <33
You made me realize that there wasn't much a difference between our culture and the culture of Sawi's. The Sawi murder believing in treachery, but even in modern cultures, we kill and hurt each other by feelings. In other words, both the Sawi and we sin.By the sins we do, we cannot say there is much a difference between cultures.
Jonnieee~~I <3 ur blog~haha
ttyl later =)
Joan, fabulous site! Your opinions are sensible and well formulated. great work , you are definitely galvanizing your readers. Mrs.Mc.
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